Inside Voices
Between 2018-2023, the five of us went through a life transition that is at once both relatively ordinary and utterly extraordinary: we became mothers. We’ve all had different experiences carrying, birthing, and raising children, but each one of us would say that motherhood has changed us in dramatic, sometimes startling, ways that impact every part of our lives, including our creative work.
At times, the identities of mother and artist can seem at odds with each other, because we’ve been told that both of these roles require complete devotion at the expense of self. Inside Voices is the result of not choosing between artist and mother, but recognizing that these identities are interwoven. Choosing to comb through, follow, drop or braid the threads of these identities is our daily work in the studio and while holding our children.
This work was created through a process that embraced the practical considerations of our lives with young children, viewing interruptions, schedule changes, limited time, and our postpartum bodies not as things to be resisted, but assets to the process. Each of us developed solo material, working wherever and whenever we could, and came together to connect the pieces and create one cohesive evening of dance, text, and song.
Performance: Megan Davis Bushway, Kelly Hulburt Hines, Chloe Napoletano, Sarah Ramey, Rowan Salem